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Re: Comment...
Posted By: Ape Man <>Date: 1/17/00 2:59 p.m.

In Response To: Comment... (Sir Galahad)

> Amazing! Do you write science fiction professionally?
> If the real Halo story is anything like this, in style or
> quality or both, it will be fabolous. Which I do not doubt,
> since it is Bungie who makes this game. I sincerely hope that
> the game has many references and/or ties to the Marahton series.
> BTW, whatever happened to Leela? Did she become rampart or what?

I think the closing screen of Marathon 2 mentioned Leela...or was it M°? Either way, it said soemthing aobut her being salvaged aboard an old freighter, and her rampancy eventually led to the crash of some data network of another race...I forget exactly. She was always once of my favorites...although Tycho and Durandal seemed somehow to captivate one's imagination much better. Maybe she'll come back in Halo...ehehehehe.

If my other post did not make this apparent, I am not a professional sci fi writer, although I'm trying. It's somewhat difficult when you're 14 and worried about all those 14-year-old-worries, and plus I have school most of the time. Presently, I am attempting to contact certain individuals at Tor who I know through a friend of my family's who happens to be an author himself...he said he'd put in the good word for me. Maybe some day soon, you'll see my name on books at the local stores (Daniel Hamilton). Thanks. If you're still interested, or if you just happen to have good connections to the literary world (wishful thinking, I know) just e-mail me.

Message Index


Of Gods and HeroesApe Man 1/17/00 2:02 p.m.
     Re: Of Gods and HeroesMyndreach 1/17/00 2:08 p.m.
           For the author of of Gods and HeroesBen a.k.a. MD 1/17/00 11:07 p.m.
                 Re: For the author of of Gods and HeroesD. Michael Cook 1/18/00 1:42 p.m.
     Comment...Sir Galahad 1/17/00 2:41 p.m.
           Re: Comment...Ape Man 1/17/00 2:59 p.m.
                 Re: Comment...Jägermeister 1/17/00 3:51 p.m.

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