
Re: Sorta need help with some Marathon Background
Posted By: Steve LevinsonDate: 3/14/03 6:49 a.m.

In Response To: Sorta need help with some Marathon Background (Vaxuum BOB)

: Any of you who know where I can find informations concerning the
: Pfhor society, or better, who can directly give me the aforementioned,
: please do so ;-)
: I need to picture the life of the average pfhor...
: Thanks for your help!

Without giving away the premise for your story, you seem to be working with the concept of a pre-marathon encounter between colonial humans and one or more everyday Pfhor. The biggest challenge will be to avoid contaminating the future that we already know of, which means that neither the humans nor the Phfor can return to their societies unless their memories are wiped clean. That said, this sounds like a very interesting story, and a possible starting point for a new scenario that many of us have been itching to play.

Now, everything we know about Pfhor society we have gleaned from the terminals in the Marathon Trilogy, which are all accessible from the Story Page. We know that Pfhor society is extremely bureaucratic, highly ordered and very, very big on concensus. Taking the initiative is highly discouraged and often leads to punishment. It isn't even clear that there is a supreme ruler of the Pfhor - we only hear of the Pfhor high council. In the military, there is a highly-ordered ranking based on species, with fighters, troopers and hunters not being of "willful" rank. We can interpret that to mean that the lower ranks of Pfhor may never question orders, even if ordered to kill their superiors as in Infinity.

Perhaps the best insights into Pfhor society are the log entries from Pfhor that we happen to interrupt (i.e. kill). We see that Pfhor of non-willful rank do indeed have independent thought and that they sometimes serruptitiously do experiments or explore new ideas in spite of the prohibitions against this. This opens up some very interesting possibilities for your story. I think that we can safely assume that there are substantial numbers of Pfhor who submit to societal constraints reluctantly or only to survive. There might even be an underground movement, but possibly not. I lived in Japan for a summer once, and was utterly amazed at the exceptional power that societal constraints can have on a population. My research had to wait until a concensus developed on a research plan that, coincidentally, happened to be the one I brought with me in the first place!

One other aspect of Pfhor society that is worth considering is the insect-like nature of the Pfhor. We have no clues as to their sexuality and we do not even know if the different classes of Pfhor are really separate species, different stages of development or the result of diferentiation during early development not unlike that in bees that leads to workers, drones and a queen. This is all wide open and you should feel free to explore some amazing possibilities.

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Pre-2004 Posts


Sorta need help with some Marathon BackgroundVaxuum BOB 3/14/03 4:46 a.m.
     Re: Sorta need help with some Marathon BackgroundSteve Levinson 3/14/03 6:49 a.m.
           Re: Sorta need help with some Marathon BackgroundElliott 3/14/03 8:25 a.m.
           Re: Sorta need help with some Marathon BackgroundScifiteki 3/14/03 4:12 p.m.
     Re: Sorta need help with some Marathon BackgroundHamburgerBoy 3/14/03 8:11 p.m.
           Re: Sorta need help with some Marathon BackgroundScifiteki 3/15/03 1:53 a.m.
                 You're preachin' to the choir here Matt! *NM*Ernie 3/15/03 4:48 a.m.
                 Re: Sorta need help with some Marathon BackgroundHamburgerBoy 3/15/03 8:08 a.m.

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