
Re: star wars in my dreams (ot)
Posted By: bobDate: 12/31/02 1:38 p.m.

In Response To: star wars in my dreams (ot) (Agent Shem)

: I keep having these dreams every month or so about star wars... sometimes,
: I'm in a huge room full of star wars toys, then they suddenly pop out of
: their boxes and begin fighting. Another couple dreams, I'm a Jedi knight,
: and I'm trying to rescue people, but I'm always a step behind, or my light
: saber breaks, or whatever. Then in another, I was a Jedi with a Jedi
: companion, and we were flying around this huge tower chasing an
: alien/fairy/angel-type girl and then find that the tower is actually a
: spaceship, which takes off with us aboard.

: Then lately, I had a dream where I was a member of a bomber crew, and I got
: my leg blown off. I was given honor by Jedi knights as I was a war-hero.
: But in the same dream, I was sitting in the asile of a huge supermarket
: (Wal-mart) and trying to watch Episode I, the Pod race part, and people
: were shoving around me and knocking me down (incidentally, my leg seemed
: to have grown back, or the replacement was as good as a real one).
: Further, the movie was changed by an evil magician, who was later
: convicted of murder. (The magician guy also sold cars)

: I've looked around for dream interp, and I have found nothing! Weird. Any
: ideas??? You guys, with all your knowledge of hero-ethic via our great
: game Marathon, might be able to help me! =^D

: Sam

oh!oh!, let me try

ok, frist, something unexpected and dangerous will happen. then you will lose a friend or compainions. affter all of this, you will be abducted by an unknown thing and will experance a great truma. you will recover from the truma, and then your eyes will fool you and a crowd of others by a powerfull person.

i tell you this! be on the look out for unexpeted threats like the pfhore, and crazy powerfull things that are unpredictable

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star wars in my dreams (ot)Agent Shem 12/31/02 12:31 p.m.
     Re: star wars in my dreams (ot)bob 12/31/02 1:38 p.m.
           Re: star wars in my dreams (ot)DonPistola 12/31/02 3:03 p.m.
     Re: star wars in my dreams (ot)W54S 12/31/02 7:30 p.m.

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