: Although now I suddenly find myself wondering if I made a huge assumption in
: piecing together that timeline: knowing the order of those three revolts
: doesn't tell us where either of the first two falls in relation to the
: enslavement of the S'pht. Could it be possible that the Drinniol revolt
: and the Nakh revolt both happened some time in the past 1000 years since
: the S'pht were enslaved, so the Pfhor could have already had cybernetics
: technology they stole from the S'pht to do the implanting of that
: Drinniol?
Nope, wasn't an assumption: "The slavers have not suffered a defeat like the one we handed them today since the Nakh, the last extant client race of the Jjaro, rebelled six thousand years ago." So the Nakh rebellion, and thus the Drinniol rebellion, was long before the S'pht enslavement.
So the Pfhor were able to implant Jjaro cybernetics into Drinniol many thousands of years before encountering the S'pht. This suggests that they were already pretty okay at cyborganic tech on their own well before the S'pht.
Although since the tech in question was Jjaro, maybe that had something to do with it; like, "open Drinniol skull, carefully put weird Jjaro wriggly doodad near Drinniol brain, it installs itself".