: On my first run I fell for this one. I wanted to see what would happen if I
: joined Hathor to save the universe. I didn't look out a window to see
: Earth! That's a good observation, and a good foreshadowing to how we
: royally pfh***ed up this timeline. When Leela said the W'rk was left
: "unguarded" I thought that meant the Jjarro never bothered to
: warn earth about it when it woke up. It turned out she was correct saying
: we doomed the universe millenia before our time: about 65 thousand
: millennia (a millenium = 1,000 years, a million is a thousand times a
: thousand, so 65 million is 65 thousand milleniums). That was one
: diabolical way to get her revenge on humanity while playing noble.
: I didn't think you'd ever get to go outside the station either; I thought you
: were just supposed to use the chip you already have.
The extra bit outside the station was 1.2 exclusive compared to the versions I'm used to, but I forget where I found the spare chip. Maybe it was a holdover from 1.1 or something.