On my first run I fell for this one. I wanted to see what would happen if I joined Hathor to save the universe. I didn't look out a window to see Earth! That's a good observation, and a good foreshadowing to how we royally pfh***ed up this timeline. When Leela said the W'rk was left "unguarded" I thought that meant the Jjarro never bothered to warn earth about it when it woke up. It turned out she was correct saying we doomed the universe millenia before our time: about 65 thousand millennia (a millenium = 1,000 years, a million is a thousand times a thousand, so 65 million is 65 thousand milleniums). That was one diabolical way to get her revenge on humanity while playing noble.
I didn't think you'd ever get to go outside the station either; I thought you were just supposed to use the chip you already have.