: And look at this
: https://old.reddit.com/r/VoidBastards/comments/bw4xf3/so_i_noticed_something_spooks_are_an_homage_to_an/
Nice find. I love this comment from the page you linked...
"The lore of the universe is fucking NUTS. I won't go too much into it, but... the first two are very crazy, the third one doesn't make sense unless you're on a lot of acid, and was definitely written by people on LOTS of drugs. That whole 'people in silicone valley microdose their faces off' thing? Yeah they did that for the first two games with quarter tabs of acid, then just said 'fuckit' on the third and decided to binge the script by locking themselves in a room for a weekend with a hundred strip for the team, as far as I can tell."
In true Budweiser What's Up fashion... "True... True..."
Greg... Greg... ?