In Response To: Re: An idea about the "statues" under the citadel (PerseusSpartacus)
: I highly doubt it - having had a look at the original assets in the Shapes
: file (the version you're looking at is the updated HD scenery, which I
: assume is from the XBLA port) the original versions are a bit more
: geometric in nature and one even appears to have S'pht text on it; it's
: very faint, to be sure, but it definitely looks like text. The sequence
: names also refer to them as "Sculpture Block 1", "Sculpture
: Block 2", and "Sculpture blob".
For completeness, I've put together the bitmaps for each of those sculptures in one picture:
Sculpture Block 1 (left); Sculpture Block 2 (middle); and Sculpture blob (right)
If you look closely at Sculpture Block 1, you can see what appears to be faint S'pht text scattered all around the outside - it reminds me somewhat of a runestone, actually.