: So I just move the Weland folder to the main drive and put all my Marathon
: folders into it? I can easily try to do that on my Mac and I could do that
: with Windows too.
: I now have two questions: 1. Where can I find the MML html document?
: 2. What is Weland Redux and is it available for download if it's a complete
: application?
0.) I don't really have a "weland folder." Weland compiles into a single executable so I just pop it into /usr/local/bin, and all the programs including Weland you see in my Aleph One folder are Linux "desktop configuration files," kind of like an alias but with a command and working path instead of a simple link to a file. I think Windows does something similar for Start Menu items.
1.) Here is the MML documentation on the Aleph One github page
2.) "Weland Redux" is simply Weland compiled with modified .glade files so that monsters, scenery, and items have the proper names for my Redux project within Weland. If Treelama gives me permission and you want to help the M1R project you will be able to get the modified glade files in the next release of M1R, otherwise I'll release a text file with the name lists for people to copy into the glade files themselves.