: PS, if you use proper liquids with the fake shimmer effect ala M1A1 in M1R
: instead of M1 Classic's hotplates, be sure to try and texture any walls
: under the surface as well as the floors in order to sell the illusion
: better in deeper pools.
: Try Again in M1A1 was bad for not doing that so while its deep lava was good,
: the lovely shimmering effect from other levels was broken in them and
: looked bad.
: The hotplates underneath the liquid's surface can be animated in the same
: ways as the ones in M1 Classic.
Have a look at my work in the BioVent Core, particularly the slime pits that are against walls. You'll see that the ceiling shaft is textured with light panels, the open-air wall has a regular wall texture, and at floor/slime level it changes to green paneling. I plan on using the same methods on goo/lava levels to ensure it looks right.