: Personally, I think the Mac's hardware was great for gaming, it's just that a
: lot of people didn't realize it. The relatively high-end video hardware
: that it included in order to cater to the Photoshop and DTP users that
: were its bread and butter at the time allowed games to have much higher
: resolutions, and sometimes, greater color depth than on DOS-based
: platforms where you were pretty much limited to 320x200, 256 colors up
: until Windows 95 came out.
: As for sound... well, have a look at this link. This is a game that came out
: in 1984. Yes, that's right, 1984. At a time when most games featured
: bleeps and bloops like in the original Oregon Trail, this thing played an
: actual recording of Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries when it started up.
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G7R9lV9eVY
: Once you got to the early 90s, it was sort of a golden age, where the Mac
: porting houses (particularly MacPlay) would redo the graphics and sound of
: games that originated on DOS, resulting in the Mac version pretty much
: becoming the definitive version of that game. Compare the DOS and Mac
: versions of Wolfenstein 3D for a really blatant example. The two Prince of
: Persia games were drastically improved as well, as were a number of
: smaller games that I enjoyed such as Castles: Siege and Conquest (Castles
: II on DOS, since the Mac never got a port of the original game) and a
: bunch of educational games that were out at the time. I still remember
: bugging my parents to buy the Mac version of some game that I'd have
: played on the PCs at school, only to be completely blown away by how much
: better the Mac version ended up being.
: And then, of course, when DOOM was the big thing in DOS gaming, we got
: Marathon.
Finally, I'm no longer the lone voice of reason against the heards screeching "macs sucked for gaming, because we say so."