: I think there's always something new that can be said about such a massive
: scenario. Yes, the basic gameplay elements have been covered to death, but
: what about the story? There are a lot of elements there that can be
: explored and that may not have been fully expounded upon.
: I imagine a good ToD of Rubicon X would focus on the story and the aesthetics
: (which, I think, are the two biggest strong points of Rubicon), while
: detailing the gameplay only in its most crucial aspects and even then only
: in a quick and loose fashion. That's my take on it, anyways.
Sounds like the best way to do it at this point (and I'd certainly enjoy a longer discussion on the story; there's so many things to pore over, both major and minor, and Mr. Levinson's old ToD may not have already gotten 'em all).
: Besides, if the Marathon community wants a Tour through Rubicon, then that's
: what they'll get - if they think there needs to be a new commentary out
: there, then that probably means there should be one.
Not quite a Tour, but I oughta get back to taking notes on Pfh'Joueur someday...