: Wow, why haven't I posted about this here yet? Anyway, Minerva: Metastasis is
: the most critically acclaimed Single-Player Half Life 2 mod out there (So
: good it netted the developer, Adam Foster a job at Valve and was made in
: collaboration with them), and it's story is pretty much a cross over
: between the Half Life and Marathon universes. Don't believe me?
Interesting. Someplace Else uses Randy Reddig's post-Infinifty textures. See the Shaderlab link. So I'm guessing he knew of Randy's work on Marathon Infinity.
According to Wikipedia, the first Minerva map was inspired by the Halo: Combat Evolved level "The Silent Cartographer".
The Joyeuse reference is really interesting. There is a long thread on bungie.net which puts forward evidence to suggest that Bungie's Destiny will use the sword Joyeuse reference, having used the swords Durandal and Cortana in their other games. So perhaps Adam Foster came up with the idea first.
The Athena line is a real kicker. " I am Athena, hunter and scientist, covertly guiding long-dead warriors for my quiet purposes." Anyone who has clicked the image at the top of the Leela section on the Story page will know why. ;)