: Magical Mystery Tours my a$$. I've been up and down this street 7 times now
: and I still haven't found The Ming Choy. Mystical?!!!... more like
: mythical, the place doesn't exist. I want my 7 dollars back!
: Sorry we don't do refunds. Did you study the pictures carefully, one in
: particular. You don't need to guess which number now do you?
: err... oh... OHHH
: Ok, back on the bus everyone, we have a long way to go to our next
: destination.
: American Science & Surplus
: 5316 N. Milwaukee Ave.
: Chicago, IL 60630
: *Que Eerie Voice Over*
: No one would have believed in the last years of the twentieth century that
: this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater
: than own, that as we busied ourselves about our various concerns we were
: being scrutinised and studied. With infinite complacency we went to and
: fro over this planet about our little affairs, serene in our assurance of
: our empire over matter.
: *End Eerie Voice Over*
: Google Maps will drop you off at the back entrance of American Science
: & Surplus. To get to the front you have two choices, left or right.
: Choose right and you will have a long way to go. Choose wrong and...
: Sheesh... this sounds like bleedin' Pathways Into Darkness.
: Legend has it that Matt Soell bought Bungie's Soffish from American Science
: & Surplus. Believing they were a bargain, he bought two. Matt
: explains: I actually bought two of them, one carp-like one (the
: "official" Soffish, or at least what Bungie vets might think of
: as the official one) and another which resembled a rainbow trout. They
: were 10 cents each and if I had known what a cultural phenomenon they
: would become I would have bought the entire stack instead of just two.
: The carp-like Soffish lived in a Gatorade bottle filled with water. The
: second one was never removed from his packaging. Both have long since gone
: missing.
: For years, Bungie fans watch the Bungie Cam for glimpses of Soffish. Indeed,
: Soffish proved so popular that they named the Bungie Cam website -
: soffish.bungie.com . But just as young innocent minds watched Soffish,
: Soffish watched back. Watched and waited.
: Attempts to find other Soffish proved futile, as Matt explains: At one
: point (when Bungie was still in Chicago) the then-manager of the Bungie
: Store, Jim Ruiz, called American Science and Surplus to see if they had
: any more. They did not even know what he was talking about. And that was
: just a couple years after I'd bought them.
: The packaging held little clues to their origin, other than a cryptic
: "Made in Taiwan".
: The mystery behind Soffish, their covenient appearance and disappearance,
: still puzzles people today, as Matt explains: There are many mysteries
: associated with Soffish - where they came from, where they are now, and
: what does it all mean? I think we should just be grateful to have had
: Soffish in our lives for the brief period we did.
: Only a select few know the real tru 7 h behind Soffish. A tru 7 h so shccking
: that even fewer dare speak of it. Suffice to say that it involves
: multi-dimensional beings, colonization and Phish Food.
: But rest assured folks, when the Soffish arrive in their battle-hardened
: PhishTanks, people will remember...
: Well… isn't it always? ;)
: Cheers
: Hamish
Loving this, Hamish! Keep the tour stops coming :)