Maybe you just needed more sleep.
Hmm, it seems a little reversed, because Blake is clearly the wimpier of the two personalities.
Maybe it's like that one John Cusack movie, and everyone in the game is actually just one of your multiple personalities. It's all a dream......But the Jjaro technology you were made from manifests your dream. In reality, you're trapped in an ancient temple in the Yucatan.
: OK, try this: Yes you are Blake - on occasion.
: You (the Security officer and un-self-aware cyborg) were manipulated by
: Durandal. He implanted a routine in you that would activate in an
: emergency. The routine makes you believe you are a guy named Blake who
: directs the Bobs. You end up giving orders to yourself.
: Cue scenes of Lh'owon being vaporized by the early nova to the tune of the
: Pixies' Where is My Mind?.
: Yeah.