Alpha Base is going to be my next solo scenario once Dave's Epic Adventure gets finished. It's going to have about 15 levels to it.
Why I'm posting this on here is because I have a question...
Thermo was the only one to give me an answer when I was on the IRC chat.
I was wondering how people would react if I were to use 6 Apothesis levels. Apothesis is just sitting there in the Orphanage and nobody is really using it. It's a dead scenario.
Now the levels would not be retextured, except for maybe a few spots. Objects such as exploding barrels, friendlies, and some other stuff would be removed from the maps. There would be more dead bodies laying around since your the only human left alive. There would be some other stuff redone on the maps, but I'm not sure of it at the moment.
Alpha Base is also going to use the texture set from the WMaiD contest and the textures from the demo along with some Rubicon textures.
It would be nice if people would tell me how that felt about this. I rather not start a project, finish it, and upload it onto Simplici7y only for it to be trashed by everybody.
Side note: I would give credit to those I took from.