: ?????(?"??ramind by Rick Riordan. I doubted I
: would ever find anything Marathonish in the book but I actually did. I'm
: not sure if this was already mentioned and the link I found on the story
: page was sorta dead so I'll just say what I must.
: Thoth is an Egytian God. The god of "knowledge". He has a body of a
: human but a head of a ibis.
: Now I wasnt going to bother posting this before, but I found another
: Marathonish thing. During a point in a battle in one of the chapters in
: the book Zia binds Serqet, a goddess, with "the Seven Ribbons of
: Hathor." Now Eternal isn't really a cannon in the Marathon story
: (says RyokoTK), but Seven Ribbons? Now whats the chance that the person
: would make it that there was a use of Seven?
: Thats all I've really found so far. If I find anymore Marathon related stuff
: I'll let you know.
Seven is an important number for a lot of things. Read more of everything.