the dell laptops that my friends own have had a incredibly long life and Dell is one of the few pc computers that I would actually want to own. (especially the new bamboo case one)
: Thanks everyone for your input. Ideally, I'd like to try sheepshaver and
: emulate a PPC, rather than 68k Mac - but I'll see which works best. I
: alreaddy have Macdrive installed on a PC and it reads Macintosh CDs well,
: so I know I won't have issues bringing my files over to the WinXP machine.
: I was considering a Mac laptop, but after the last Mac laptop I got melted
: down (the tech said a Frankensteins monster worth of of dead parts would
: be needed to fix it) I gave up on the whole portable-mac thing. Anyway,
: you can't find a newer Mac laptop in the $500.00US range.
: Anyone have brand suggestions on what I should go for? Most people hate DELL,
: but my grandmother and I have had good success with those brands in
: Desktop machines.
: -Blayne