: I always thought Halo's story was sorta pathetic in comparison to
: Marathon's...
: but on the last 3 levels of Halo there's a bunch of terminals that tell the
: whole backstory Marathon-style and after reading them, the Haloverse
: becomes almost as great as the Marathon story (if only they'd used
: terminals as the driving storytelling device in the other games instead of
: relying on cheesy cinematics...)
: lots of secrets buried in codes and nodes and creative prose and logs and
: nods (to rampancy and other marathon legacies)
Interesting thing about the Terminals in the weekly update.
“Writing the terminals was as maddening as it was fulfilling. There wasn’t enough room and not enough time to pour into it—there never is—with everything else that was going on. We still had to keep in mind that there were people who were going to be looking at these things on a tiny CRT. They should be able to read these things too—and that means a very limited number of words per page. Even with HD resolution there is only so much damage we are willing to do to your eyes—meaning none. And so our mantra became ‘brevity is the soul of wit.”
-Robt McLees, Writer