: The first is more of a question than a problem. Is there a size limit on
: saved films? My successful attempt on "What About Bob" took a
: long while in the last segment, and the saved film of the attempt cuts off
: just seconds before accessing the exit terminal. Not a big deal, but I'd
: like to be able to have a truly "complete" vid of the level, and
: due to the nature of my project, repeating that success is going to be
: very, very difficult. I know there's no way to get back the lost info
: there, but I'm hoping to find out as much as I can to minimize the chances
: for another cut-off.
I don't know if AlephOne ever modified this behavior (if it hasn't, it really ought to), but the film gets written out to disk in bursts, and so vidmasters typically wander back and forth around in front of the terminal (called the vidmaster dance :) ) before exiting the level to make sure that that last burst gets written.
... whoops! i left this tab open for ~12 hours without ever clicking reply. sorry about the delay. :)