: "Don't have a PC yet"? As though PC ownership is some inevitable
: state that everyone must reach sometime, it's just a question of now or
: later? Maybe some people don't like them and don't want to own one?
: (Assuming "PC" = non-Mac Wintel PC here, since Macs these days are
: Intel-based and can run Windows if you want... but maybe some of us
: haven't needed to buy an all-new machine in a while, for those of us with
: highly expandable older Macs. And hell, I know plenty of people who
: wouldn't run Windows on their Intel Macs just to avoid giving MS their
: money).
By the Power of 7...I didn't realize someone would take what I said as an insult. I like Macs, I still have my old iMac next to my PC (which is how I can still run PiD), and I'm in no way trying to talk down at Mac users.
So, Forrest, ukimalefu, sorry if you took offense to that statement. I don't want to get off to a bad start in this community, and I certainly don't want to stain the image of what I'm trying to do before it's even shown for the first time.
Regardless, the sad fact is that the language I'm using to build the engine only compiles on Windows at the moment (XP preferably), I would gladly make a Mac version if I could but currently that is impossible. Regardless, I think this will still provide the PiD/Classic Bungie experience to a much broader audience, which is what I'm trying to accomplish. I hope you all will continue to look into the project, as I'm putting my heart and soul into it's construction. This has been a dream of mine for quite some time, and I hope everyone appreciates the hard work and thought that has gone into it.
Anyway, I plan to launch the project website by this time next week. I will include the first public images of the engine and the editor, along with some of the first 3D item models. I will post the link as soon as the site is online.