I was pointed at http://traxus.jjaro.net/ recently and today I felt like contributing a few things.
Unfortunately, there really is not much there to play with yet and it seems that a large number of articles have yet to be created or are merely stubs. I am more than happy digging around and updating at random, but among the things I could not find was a standards article or "How to update Traxus".
Are there any standards assumed for editing? I am guessing there will be quite a bit of crossover between there and the Story Page. This is good. But where are the limits?
For instance, there is a stub created for The_NBM_terminal. In completing this article, should the entire text of the terminal be entered? Should quotes be entered from Story Page discussions and links to relevant discussions in this forum?
I can just wing it. I just did not want to step on anyone's toes.