Hey Everyone,
I know what Halo is, but I've never played it. I'm only here as a Marathon junkie. I call myself a noob only because I've never "published" a map, and can't speak all that intelligently about some of the stellar maps that are out there. I can state with confidence that Tempus Irae and Rubicon are two of the best things that have happened to Mac games, but I'm not all that capable of describing their technical merits. (*hangs head in shame for struggling to successfully create a 5-d map*)
So, I'm working on an idea I've had brewing for a few years and I'd like to share it with the community of mapmakers/Marathoners. After digging through the archives of this forum, I think I've got a pretty good idea of how to do this, but I'm a really weak on the technical side of things. What I mean is, I'm ready for you all to tear my map to shreds and send me back to school, but as far as making sure you can play/experience the map, I don't know exactly how to proceed.
I've come back to 'thon after a long hiatus, and completely missed the advent of AO. The last time I was in contact with the community was the launch of Rubicon, and I hit that even a year or so late. Could anyone give me a real layperson's low-down on how to get a map into circulation, what kinds of technical pitfalls I might need to look out for, and so on? At the moment, I'm using Forge from the open source d/l page (*offers gratitude for prayers answered*) but I'm a complete novice with Anvil, and some of the additions that have been made to the editing toolbox (e.g., Chisel) are as yet undiscovered territory for me.
Advice, suggestions, ideas are welcomed and appreciated.
Many thanks!