Theres been talk about Marathon on the nintendo DS a lot recently. Having thinking about Marathon on portable gaming systems, I remembered that the PSP was released about a month ago. So I thought "why wouldn't Marathon run on a PSP?"
Heres what I'm thinking:
The PSP's screen is large enough to hold the health and oxygen bars and a motion sensor, but they'd have to be a bit small. Weapons names would appear on the top left hand corner, no weapon image, though. Dpad would move character, X button would make him run. Circle button would be to look up, Square would be to look down, holding down triange and pressing the -> and <- buttons would toggle weapons. R button would be primary fire and L would be secondary fire. Enabeling the map would be the Select Button. Pause would be Start.
Thats the control set up. Now, if we were to make marathon one with the music, we'd have the minidisk have the songs on there, and we'd put be able to put them on if we wanted to, so we could listen to them when not playing.
Wireless Network games, since we don't have a huge interface with net statistics, bottom right hand corner would hold some of the statistics, maximum four players in a wireless network game (who all plays handhelds instead of a computer?)
Think about it...