: This level has a some nice design to it, but the combat is not very exciting,
: the 'Hra largely ignored me for some reason. I think this level vould use
: some fire Flickta to make it more intersting. Also, it is possable to skip
: Hathors terminal if you do some flying, so I think you should do something
: about the ledge heights so you can't do that.
Oh man, I completely forgot about the second trigger on that thing. I foresee further problems because of that will be encountered later - I haven't been designing the maps with flight in mind. Might make for some more interesting map design if I did...
And yeah, by the way, the lava F'lick'ta will return in Eternal X. They were meant to be stacked into the same slot as the Drinniol but I didn't have time to stack them right and the Drinniol were more important to the story. But they will be back, no worries.