This is the last level of the failure timeline (excluding the dream level), and it's very well-made. D-M.A. did a great job on this one. Note that this level is the same basic level as level 19 in the success branch, but with a different flow.
We start out in a very high-up room. Kill your immediate surroundings and have a looksie out the window. A very, very beautiful area is out there, and you'll get views of it from different angles later on. Before I continue, I'd just like to suggest that some of the elevated areas with no windows be made "3D" with 5D Space - I mean, making it so there's space beneath them too. Would be very cool that already in there? If it is, I'm sorry. If it isn't, I suggest it.
You can go to the right, but there's no point - it's clearly intended to be your path for the next incarnation of the level, Burning Down The Corporation. Head to the left instead. In this hallway you can get the trooper to kill the fighters if you're careful - I vidded this one (on Easy, albeit) so I was conservative with ammo. Continue down this way and encounter soon one of the...things we're supposed to smash (I can't quite remember exactly what they were). Open the wires with the switch and smash them (all while taking care of the enemies in here). Continue on and you'll run into two more of these, and quite a few more enemies. Once you've smashed these, return and read the first terminal. Good work, you've completed your mission (the one I can't remember completely - but the spaceport is gonna blow). Tycho has entrusted key functions to a clone of himself he found on one of the Pfhor ships and is following Leela to Lh'owon, who he presumes is going to destroy the S'pht and in the end save humanity from the future it's suffering in. But just who is this clone...? We'll find out soon...
One other note about this map: I think that some of the platforms should be switch operated. Continually moving platforms or player-activated platforms get very irritating, and it would help the flow of not only this level but just about every level. A very good map, if a little short.