
Re: Origonal Content Marathon
Posted By: Hippieman [B.Org]Date: 11/11/04 2:08 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Origonal Content Marathon (Bob-B-Q)

: I don't think the engine's suited for a commercial venture; you'd have better
: luck with the Quake/Quake 2 engines.

We do not wish to spend much to any money on this. It would work online, but it'd also be for LAN play (the idea is for other offices to play with ease). As for the sounds/shapes, thanks to MML those files would be empty (only there because the application looks for them). We are basically looking to buy someone elses already done work that is "Marathon-esq" without being legally Marathon.

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Origonal Content MarathonHippieman [B.Org] 11/11/04 11:23 a.m.
     Re: Origonal Content MarathonAndrew Nagy 11/11/04 12:13 p.m.
     Re: Origonal Content MarathonBob-B-Q 11/11/04 12:49 p.m.
           Re: Origonal Content MarathonHippieman [B.Org] 11/11/04 2:08 p.m.
                 Re: Origonal Content MarathonBob-B-Q 11/11/04 2:13 p.m.
                       Re: Origonal Content MarathonBob-B-Q 11/11/04 2:15 p.m.
                             Keep A1 free!ukimalefu 11/11/04 3:22 p.m.
                                   My thoughts exactly. *NM*Bob-B-Q 11/11/04 3:43 p.m.
                                   Re: Red vs BlueLance Kerensky 11/11/04 5:02 p.m.
                             Re: Origonal Content MarathonMe_43 11/11/04 9:07 p.m.
                                   Enough pimping already! *NM*Bob-B-Q 11/12/04 4:50 a.m.
                                         TOO MUCH PIMPING IS NOT NEARLY ENOUGH!!! *NM*Me_43 11/12/04 2:12 p.m.
                 Re: Origonal Content MarathonClarke 11/11/04 7:42 p.m.
                       Re: Origonal Content MarathonForrest of B.org 11/11/04 9:04 p.m.
                             Re: Origonal Content MarathonAndrew Nagy 11/12/04 5:31 a.m.
                                   Re: Origonal Content MarathonForrest of B.org 11/12/04 8:57 a.m.
                                         Re: Origonal Content MarathonElliott 11/12/04 11:11 a.m.
                                               From the Infinity manual...ukimalefu 11/12/04 11:29 a.m.
                                                     Re: From the Infinity manual...Hippieman [B.Org] 11/12/04 1:12 p.m.
                                                           Re: From the Infinity manual...Me_43 11/12/04 2:17 p.m.

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