Now that is an interesting interpretation. Before now I had just thought 'man, that is a badass drawing. I love Craig Mullins, what?? I'm fate? OMGWTFBBQ' but now, taking a more rational and philosophical view, I agree the hand is likely the players, perhaps the sand and dust is adventure, fate is overwhelmed in its own complexities and action that it must take. Then again, it could be a crumbling Pfhor empire, a symbol of Ending or maybe what happend to that bastard Robert Blake ;)
I do like the idea of the end of the universe though. Very interesting to think of the last moments of...everything. Good question O simply named Marathoner.
: It's possible the decaying hand is symbolic of the player's ascendence to an
: existence without a physical body; that the hand is not being destroyed by
: the closure of the universe but rather shown as useless and unused for
: centuries, the player having evolved beyond his own body and even the
: implants contained within it.