: Unless the atmosphere is pretty damn hot on Lh'owon, lava wouldn't work. If
: you've ever been to Hawaii or any other geologically active place, you
: would understand. Lava cools very quickly when it comes into contact with
: air and starts to solidify. You end up with a layer of greyish or blackish
: material floating on top. Perhaps molten sulfer would work on Lh'owon?
: BTW, in vacuum lava wouldn't be a problem. Vacuum is a very good
: insulator.
ahh. but still, durandale called it lava
on what about bob
"My first ground attack against the Pfhor
garrison occurred a few hours ago, but was
largely unsuccessful. Basically the attack
failed because Bobs aren't fireproof and
the Pfhor flooded the area with *lava*."
and one or two more points in the level. so bungie said it was lava. and Lh'won is a dessert, but from your wording, it sounds like it would need to be hotter