: Some of you may recall a partial Marathon movie script I posted here awhile
: ago. I've been adding stuff now and then, and I've run into a couple of
: stumbling points: #1) Weapons/Ammo: I'm trying to decide whether the hero
: simply swaps weapons, Halo-style, or has some kind of snazzy
: micro-teleport pattern buffer that lets him beam a weapon into his hands
: when he needs it.
i think that out hero would look cooler drawing a pistol, or slowly unlimbeing a rocket lancer then if it just teleported into his hands
: #2) Lava: The stuff we spend so much time swimming through is referred to as
: Lava (I'm thinking more about M2/MI here) can't be the same kind of lava
: we have on Earth. For the M1 script it can simply be engine coolant, but
: what would it be on Lh'owon?
why can't it be lava? isn't lava just defined as molten rock? and i think durandale referred to it as lava a few times, at lest once in what about bob