
Re: 1024 Polys and map corruption
Posted By: Adam AshwellDate: 8/7/04 5:12 a.m.

In Response To: 1024 Polys and map corruption (Blayne)

Well, I never hit the limit. By the time I'm at about 1000 polys, I stop trying to add anything else for fear I'll hit the limit and have to scrap the new area (I hate having to scrap things I like). Well, I don't know if its common, but, one solution is to delete just one poly, and have 1023 polys.

I was looking through the map files for Marathon 1, 2, and Infinity yesterday, and I realized how few polygons they use. The only map that is above 700 polys is Aye Mak Sciur (I think). True, some of them are just small maps. But, I've realized how the standard for a map has changed over the years. I even looked at Siege of Nor'Korh, and the biggest level is seven hundred something polys (Central Command). Now, maps need detail, and lots of it. We don't seem to have the ability to get the most out of every poly that our predecessors did. Or maybe we just don't know when to end a level until we're out of polys =P. Honestly, if I had more polys, my levels would be alot longer. I only hope that Pfhorge becomes a good replacement for Forge soon, so I can work without the limit.

: Has anyone else encountered this issue? : Every time any of my maps hit the
: 1024 polygon limit in Forge (when it actually warns you that the limit was
: reached) - shortly thereafter I get bigtime map corruption issues
: [whitewalls, textures mapping incorrectly, crashes of Forge]

: I spent last night running through the corridors of an UESG vessel, fearing
: that the glitchy whiteness would be around every corner. It seemed
: isolated to the core region, and another area - forcing me to even delete
: the lines and points, less the corruption return.

: The upside is that I was forced to rip out an entire section of a map I was
: so-so happy with. I'm trying to find the positive in this, so after three
: hours I began hoping that Forge was just trying to tell me what parts of
: the map sucked .

: Anyhow, this issue also cropped up in my Nebulon level, which makes me scared
: to go into it. It seems every doorway was corrupted for some reason. *
: sigh *

: To return to the actual question I asked above, does this map corruption
: occur to alot of Forge users who hit the poly limit (or any other item or
: texture limit for that matter)?

: Thanks,
: -Blayne

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1024 Polys and map corruptionBlayne 8/7/04 4:53 a.m.
     Re: 1024 Polys and map corruptionAdam Ashwell 8/7/04 5:12 a.m.
           Re: 1024 Polys and map corruptionblake37 8/7/04 5:59 a.m.
                 Re: 1024 Polys and map corruptiondeathmonger 8/7/04 8:17 a.m.
                       Re: 1024 Polys and map corruptionblake37 8/7/04 8:36 a.m.
                       Re: 1024 Polys and map corruptionblake37 8/7/04 10:59 a.m.
     Re: 1024 Polys and map corruptionC Lund 8/7/04 12:22 p.m.
           Re: 1024 Polys and map corruptiongoran 8/7/04 2:45 p.m.
                 Re: 1024 Polys and map corruptionOri 8/7/04 7:16 p.m.
                       Re: 1024 Polys and map corruptionC Lund 8/7/04 11:46 p.m.
                             Re: 1024 Polys and map corruptionSimon of team Sigma 8/8/04 5:29 a.m.

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