| In Response To: Re: Whence _Hakvil_ (Mark Levin)
This may be an question that redily apparent to most, but how can I import a custom color table into a Marathon Inf. shapes file? Specifically, into one of the texture sets. With weapons, monster, and landscapes, it's as simple as using one of Hakville's menu commands, not unlike replacing an Bitmap.
Each time I've tried to import my newly modified color table into my texture set (stacked full of magenta hues...) they all import as different grays, and about five differnt magentas, most the same color..but in different slots. Ack.
I once recall Simon from the Sigma team mentioning Resedit in the process... can someone give me a few pointers?
WMaiD thanks you. :D
-Blayne [ernie]