I gave up trying to make a M1 replica weapon work within the interface of Rubicon's App. It's like there are some immutably laws of reality that exist, but you don't know until you say... try and make a non-pistol based, dual fisted fission gun. The game adamantly refuses to believe that someone would have the nerve to alter the Fission Rifle (with it's hardcoded automatic firing) into something with a reload time between shots.
I got sick and tired of trying to make things work within the Alien weapon slot for the M1 enforcer weapon. Thus, I moved it to the unused Fission rile location, and swapped some items appearances in the Shape file.
Now... I have an altogether different problem:
I've now created an Armageddon weapon of sorts - the kind an Enforcer would use to... take down a Juggernaut slave rebellion of sorts.
It's an awesome weapon, and I’ve toned each projectile's damaged down... but an odd thing occured right off the bat:
The "subtly invisible" projectile that the M1 enforcer weapon uses... stays around - actually sticking in the wall after it's fired, and not hit any monsters.
Thus, Marathon's in engine limit for rendering sprites gets tripped out... and away goes my Weapon impact effects across the board.
Any idea on how to make the projectile *not* stay around? It's not checked as "persistent" or any such thing. : \
Arg. If only things were as simple as merging maps.
-Blayne [ernie]