I don't think that's Shishka-compliant, or whatever the proper term is. Visiting the world of 65M years ago should involve finding or creating a new timeline in which the events of the impact haven't been determined yet. It shouldn't directly send back effects to the timeline you came from, and ordinary running around and blasting things in the brand-new pre-impact timeline certainly shouldn't allow you to destroy/erase the saurians' world.
I'm having trouble thinking about it clearly myself, actually. I seem to end up running in circles trying to get around questions that may never have been answered by literate mortal humans.
Also, what Red 2? Surely not the project started by that guy who needed someone else to make his maps, shapes, and sounds?
: Wow interesting possibilities for a story there. Were it not for a meteor
: hitting earth, the dinosaurs might well have evolved into at least one
: intelligent species (a subject of many sci-fi stories and scripts). Now if
: Joshua was responsible for the downfall of the dinosaurs, imagine the
: alternate timeline possibilities! A really cool story would involve a
: struggel between a satient dinosaur species and ourselves - each trying to
: preserve their own timeline. Each of us would have right on our side and
: would be trying to stop Joshua, but at different points in time. Cool
: concept - perhaps the basis for Red 2?