: I just didn't want to make it too easy for you, John. This isn't the only
: scenario with monsters that are immune to fists, but I don't see any real
: harm in satisfying your obsession.
Good. I hope the others feel the same way. And don't worry, it won't be making things easier for me. For example, those Turtles are going to be a bear to defeat with Fists. Plus there are going to be some levels where I will have a tough time using Fists at all. Unless we put a recharger in "Why did it stop?", I am going to have an almost impossible time finishing that level with just Fists. And there are other levels where Fists will not be the way to go. So, all in all, I really don't feel like it's a major thing to allow Fists. I was just concerned that somewhere in the story it is mentioned that certain enemies are extraordinarily durable, so that Fists have no effect on them. If that were the case, then my request would be moot.