Part 2 of RED begins with a tiny level to wrap up the "organics in space" plotline. It also begins with a chapter screen featuring a rather haggard-looking marine, probably you, but I personally would have placed this *after* Floating in Agony, since that point would be a cleaner break in the plot.
As you emerge from your stasis chamber or whatever (tab the wall in front of you, then wait), you hear something horrible happen behind a locked door. Recharge, save, and talk to Ian on the bridge. You actually have to tab the glowing screen to his left to start the conversation. A few Organics made it off your ship, and another marine wasn't up to the task of dealing with them. Then he teleports you into the cargo bay, where you are instantly killed by a bunch of Beasts and a golden Raptor.
This is a fairly stupid way to set up an encounter, as it seems to be luck and randomness that dictates whether or not you have even a fighting chance when entering the cargo bay. The monsters are activated when you step on a polygon outside the bay door, kill the sole marine in there, then begin running around at random, and there's no telling where they'll be standing when you arrive. If you're lucky, they'll all be on one side of you when teleporting (i.e. leaving an empty path where you can get your back to the wall and get your bearings), then you can retreat to a place where the Raptor can't reach you to kill the Beasts before taking the big guy out with the Mercury. If you're unlucky, the monsters are occupying all possible routes of maneuvering and you're dead. Good thing that (for once) there's a pattern buffer right before the encounter.
Once you kill everything, pick up the uplink chip the Beast dropped (maybe he swallowed it while biting Jackson to death?) and plug it into the switch in the northeast, sealing the bay. This also opens the door that lets you back into the recharger and bridge area. Ian tells us that another three days have passed, and they have made it to a human-colonized planet named PX-39. It appears you've escaped the Organic menace for the time being. Again, I feel this would have been a much better place for the Desperation chapter screen.
One bizarre thing about the terminals on this level is that the conversation with Ian doesn't use the standard unfinished/finished sections, it's actually two seperate terminals with one section each. Perhaps the real Ian hadn't discovered repair switches when the level was made? :) Also, in Forge, you can see some extra lines that form an apparently abandonded exterior for the shuttlecraft you're riding.
A number of people have asked that I slow down, and since this is a natural place to break, I will. My take on Metatron of the Void will be posted on Tuesday; I don't remember much about this level but Steve's and John's posts have me a little apprehensive :P