: Well I don't know. If we ever find any alien species and become familiar with
: them, will they be categorized into mammal, lizard, fish, bird, etc? Or
: would they always be known as 'alien'? Do the Phfor have warm or cold
: blood? What is in their blood that makes it yellow? Do they have three
: frontal eyes because they are superior hunters? Then why are they so puny
: without their armor? How many species of animal do the Phfor have? Is the
: Phfor their own name or just a pronouncable human equivalent? I'm sure
: "Fighter" is not the Phfor's word for Fighter, just as Compiler
: is not a S'pht.
: Wow I went off on a tangent.
That's actually a very good question. (WARNING, WEJAM WILL NOW BE GIVING ANOTHER LONG LECTURE ON THEORETICAL SCIENCE)Any life form originating from another planet would most likley belong to an entirly different evolutionary herritage, and would therefore defy any classification we have for terrestrial life. Given the staggering biodiversity of Planet Earth, one could only assume that any other life barring planet would be similarly endowed with countless forms of life filing into countless kingdoms, phylums, families genuses etc. which may not even be relatable to those seen on Earth.
Assuming that life in the universe occurs spontaniously, that is to say that it is not created by god (sorry fundies) and not from a single point of origin, it might be safe to say that any life originating from an alien world would be completely different from our own. The question is how deep could the difference go?
It is generally accepted that organic compounds formed on earth and eventually combined into complex organic macro-molecules (Protiens, Lipids, Nucleic acids) which made life on earth possible. Now, on a different planet, with a different set of conditions, could these moleculse have formed in different ways. Could it be that there are alien species who's genetic material is carried in a form other than DNA, or who's structure does not depend on a cellular anatomy (made up of cells)?
I could probably go on, but I'm sure there are more than a few of you whoes heads this just went way over, possibly including my own. So I'll just shut up for now (CLASS DISMISSED)