--UESC|UESGTerm 802.11b --1/1:begin_Relevant_Terms-|-Pronunciation--
File Summary:
>Source Index of Terms, Descriptions and Pronunciation of general U.E.S.C. use:
>Known Alien races:
Classified: [' null '] /--Entrys Missing (I included this to account for any alien races that may/may not be part of the marathon Universe, but may be added after WMaiD is released)
Jjaro: [' Yah-row '] Mysterious race that disappeared from our galaxy millions of years ago, leaving behind military and civilian outposts on the moons and planets of many habitable worlds.
Most Pfhor technology was plundered from sites abandoned by the Jjaro.
Pfhor: [' fore '] Insect-like Slaver species. Evolved in such a way their lower ranks are more insectoid, and their upper species more sentient.
In 2794 Pfhor attacked the colony ship Marathon, instigating the Human/Pfhor war, lasting to present.
Nar: [' Na-rh '] A rather primitive, backwards race. Initial Nar group encountered by UESC forces were privateers, the Nar have been recorded as posessing some advanced technology and captured Pfhor ships. How this species came across this technology is currently unknown.
Nebulon: [' Neb-u-lon '] /--Entry Missing
S'pht: [' Suh-fit '] /--Entry Missing
Vylae: [' V-yail '] /--Entry Missing
>Human Military/Governmental Bodies
U.E.S.C: [or 'Unified Earth Space Council'] Responsible for all Governmental matters including currency, materials trade, mining, and colonization.
U.E.S.G: [or 'United Earth Space Guard'] Responsible for all Military matters of the outer colonies; keeping the social order.
U.N.S.C: [or 'United Nations Space Council'] Amalgamated into the U.E.S.C shortly after the Martian colonist's uprisings pre-2472.
>Common Historical Reference:
(note: ERS protocol is specific to WMaiD)
ERS Protocol: Legislature updated by the head director of the U.E.S.G,
"Any U.E.S.G or U.E.S.C ship which encounters possible Jjaro property, spacecraft, technology or information shall immediately cease all outgoing transmissions; while taking the most immediate route to the inner Sol or New Reach systems .../"
U.E.S.C_Marathon: Converted moon Deimos becomes the U.E.S.C. colony ship Marathon in 2472. 2773- Marathon arrives at Tau Ceti. 2787-Colony established. 2794- Marathon attacked by Pfhor scoutship.
--UESC|UESGTerm 802.11b --1/1:end_Relevant_Terms-|-Pronunciation--