: how I do MML scripts inside A1 OsX version?
: With Res Edit?
No, not with ResEdit. ResEdit is an old application and it doesn't even know about packages. The OS X version of AO is a carbon application and, as such, lacks a traditional resource fork, which is what ResEdit is designed to edit. Instead, you need only use a plain old text editor to create your MML file, which is really nothing more than an XML file. I strongly recommend placing the resulting text file in the Scripts folder rather than as a resource inside AO, as this gives you the flexibility of upgrading to newer releases of AO without having to hack each one. You also have the advantage of being able to use the script across platforms - OS X, Classic and SDL. Now if you really do want to place the script inside AO, you'll have to talke to a real programmer, as I have no idea how to lable the script and get the app to recognize it if it's inside the package. Mabye it'll work as is, but I wouldn't count on it.