: You need Cube! Cube is a free open source Linux project that is a great
: shooter for OSX. Simple, mindless violence. You can run it without any
: knowledge of Linux, OSX knows what to do with it. Click on the link below
: for the write up of the game. If you think you want to play the game (it
: is Battle Cat recommended) then on the first page of that write up click
: on the "Cube" hyperlink in the body of the text, then click on
: the files icon on the left of that page. That will take you to source
: forge for the download of the latest version. Enjoy!
: Gary Simmons
: the Battle Cat
Thanks! I'm downloading Cube right now. I just want to be given a bit of some deep info about the game besides simple fps. I saw the screenshots and it looks like the game is also one with a lot of great scenery. Just tell me how it is in general.
Lastly, I would like to know if Cube works with G3s. This thing here is a high-end G3, will that work?