: This is a network map, right? Everything seems to work OK, but the long views
: and multitude of S'Pht bolts wreaked havoc with my aging 500 MHz Ti PB -
: at least in playing it with AO. I had to turn off OpenGL, use low
: resolution and minimize the window size in order to get a decent frame
: rate. Just one little delay in updating the image is enough to get one
: killed in this map. Perhaps it would work better in Infinity, but I'm not
: sure I'll have a chance to try it before I leave on my upcoming trip.
This will eat infinity alive. A1 only for sure. Really only made for the future of marathon when this, like true 3-D, can run smoothly. Thank you for the quick run through. I really wanted just wanted to leave the future marathoners somethin to play with when we al laugh at how small a gig of ram is.