I used to play Wolf3d too like crazy before when I only had a MacFX. Made loads of levels for it, which I was planning on sending to MacFormat. For some reason though I never did send them.
: I have it now! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thankyouthankyouthankyou*very
: long*.
: Thanks, ukimalefu. Here are some reasons why I want to play Wolf3D: -It's
: VERY challenging doing all of those mazes and puzzles in the levels. For
: an old-ass game, it is pretty fun that way, plus you also face dangers on
: the way and you got to keep healthy and get firepower.
: -Fun action.
: -Easter eggs to be found.
: -There are SO many scenarios out there! I could play for hours!
: -Whenever i'm bored with all my other games, I turn to Wolf3D.
: -Challenges you to collect bonuses and stuff.
: -Level editing! I could summon a SHITLOAD of hounds and guards!