: To make things a bit easier, you can use the "door technique" to
: help take out the Troopers at the beginning of the level. While I would
: never use this when vidding a level, I will use it and any other technique
: (short of cheating) when playing as a saved game.
Really! The great Dr. John uses the door technique? When I first started playing Marathon, I used it a lot, but then I learned that it's considered a spazeroid technique and I learned how to take out almost any monster without relying on the door technique. Of course, if a door happens to close on a monster, that's OK by me! For the troopers here, I generally opened each door from the side, peeked in, then quickly moved back to the side and waited for the trooper to emerge, at which time I could ambush them with bullets and grenades without taking any damage. Dual magnums should also work, but with a long way to go to the first pattern buffer, my self confidence in this was lacking.
For readers who are interested, it's really worth your while to watch a film of Dr. John or Sidoh vidding Sodding the Logs in Rubicon to see how it's really done. Unfortunately, A Million Ways is just too cramped to use these techniques, however.