I'm pretty sure it's the map-file causing trouble. It's a clean install of Infinity, and I can play the original map for Infinity just fine. I've never had any problems like this before so I'm completely stumped here. Also that both the file you sent me and the file from the archives behave badly on my machine worries me. Maybe my Mac is cursed! *pours gasolin on his machine and lights the match*
Seriously though my guess is that StuffIt somehow is screwed up the file from the archives and your copy got screwed by either your email client or mine. Maybe I should find an older version of StuffIt, but I just can't seem to be arsed...
: This is intriguing. If you can open it in Forge, it's probably not the map
: file. I assume you've already tried allocating more memory if you're in
: Classic Mode. Have you per chance modified your Infinity shapes file in
: any way? Perhaps you could try reinstalling Infinity, just to be sure.
: Just a thought anyway.