: um...... I'm a complete amateur in this, but I think there is a chapter in
: Marathon: Rubicon that is named "The Salinger Incident" and
: revolves around a UESC station around a rogue star passing through the
: galaxy
This is the best explanation us fans could come up with for it prior to this thread. Unlike Eternal which was based on a scrapped draft of Halo's story, the Rubicon team didn't have anything from Bungie themselves to go off of so they told their own story with it. It was a nice attempt as I recall but I'm struggling to remember why we explore the research station there other than meeting Lysander AI. I tend to forget Rubicon's story and a lot of its level design quite easily.
Bungie's actual intentions for the star might have been different. Presumably it was where Halo was found in one draft of Halo's story before getting changed. It would be interesting to know what that was and if a new Marathon game (preferably not that glorified Void Bastards crap that was planned as the next game recently) is made, Bungie could track down Greg and hire him to write the story for Marathon 4 (I consider Marathon Infinity to be Marathon 3) based on what Durandal wanted with that star.
He should find a way to incorporate Infinity into it somehow too.