: Well in human terms it is the difference between being born in 1811 or being
: born in 1996. So a significant difference.
True, but these are the words of an immortal AI talking about events on a cosmological scale in grandiose prose, both cases where fewer significant figures are commonplace, where just giving a general sense of scale is close enough.
: The "rogue star" and "another abandon world" references
: at the end of M2 were designed to let us know that the story of Durandal
: and the player would continue in some fashion. The Final Screen simply
: puts some closure on certain events in M2 allowing for a completely new
: direction in Marathon 3.
Surely the new direction in Marathon 3 would still retain some connections to the preceding plot arcs though. Marathon 2 wasn't set on the Marathon anymore but it did involve the Pfhor and S'pht. It would be strange if the rogue star Durandal wants to go visit were not something he found out about from Pfhor or S'pht records, and were not connected to his overarching plans to escape the closure of the universe, where Jjaro space-warping technology seems to be his strongest lead. The most obvious thread of connection I can see is that K'lia has been somewhere else unspecified for a thousand years, and here is a star that entered our galaxy a thousand years ago, that Durandal seems to have taken an interest in right after K'lia returned to Lh'owon... perhaps that's where K'lia has been all this time? And perhaps there are further secrets of the Jjaro to be found there, piquing Durandal's interest...