: It looks like a good amount of this GURPS material is thought up by the man
: who made this rpg, I just got done reading every terminal in all the games
: through in the past two days and I took notes too, didn't get near as much
: information as the GURPS marathon has other then the terminals, and the
: beginning text in the manuals for each game are there any other Bungie
: made rescources for Marathon information.
Helluva sentence there. I'll start with guessing:
The Marathon Scrapbook - Nar history
Stuff removed from the original game, such as Hounds, the MOW-MDN, also arrival.bungie.org.
Cryptic Usenet posts like Greg's "What are all dreams about (non-Freudian)?"
The Lost Network Packets
The Pfhor Mating Ritual
The snail mail letter confirming that the player is a cyborg (no new information there)
Duality previews (to some degree, maybe you can get another perspective on the whole eternal-warrior mythos/philosophy)
Other cryptic messages like Matt's one about the Great Devoid, and Nathan Bitner's one about Tau Ceti. But keep in mind, most of that complexity is unintentional, because it was so slap-dash (I'm paraphrasing Matt).
I wonder if there is, or should be, a comprehensive list of such sources.