We're taking control of Nor'Kohr and we can't have any Pfhor hanging around if we're to occupy it, now, can we? There are many areas to explore, but everything is pretty much within a couple hundred meters or so of your drop-in point - or so it seems. This is an extermination level, but it seems that we don't have to exterminate any of the fl'ickta - they're more of an ambient life form anyway, but one we'd rather not have around. How did the fl'ickta get here, anyway - weren't they native to Lh'owon?
This level demonstrates one key point very well about Frigidman's maps - not all switches bring about desirable actions. An even more striking example will be seen on the last level. In this case there is a switch in the room where you begin the level, along with a pattern buffer. This switch lowers a gangway to this room, which seems to be some sort of watch tower. You don't need to return here and there will be another pattern buffer that can be reached early in the level if the player finds it, but it's much easier to play if the gangway is left up. In other words, don't flip this switch.
This level is full of places to explore and secret or nearly secret rewards for doing so. Curiously, though, on this run through, I noticed an alien form in my motion detector that was way outside of the visible areas of the map - and I'd thought I'd explored everything. This could only mean one thing - a new secret area that I'd never seen before! Finding an entrance took more time than playing the entire rest of the level. First I found a secret door in the square sewage pool that is filled with fl'ickta. That lead to an absolutely HUGE system of underwater caverns. In some places you can surface enough to see vast ledges overlooking you from high above your head - there must be a way to reach them. It took even longer to find the second way in - a secret door near the end of the level. This time I found an even more extensive series of caverns with lots of fl'ickta and plenty of ammo to make the time spent worth the effort. I don't think I've ever encountered such an extensive entirely secret area in a map before - short of a secret level, that is.