I really need some help regarding the Shapes file in my scenario. The help I need is really a
walkthrough, but not many people want to take the trouble to make an intire walkthrough, so i'll explain my problem as best I can, to give whoever gives me help, a full view of my delima. When I drag the Shapes file into Hackvil v1.03, it loads up fine, then I select the menu, and select the "bob'' bitmaps in the list. After that, I move the cursor to the top of the screen and select the "Create new color table" command in the "Shape" menu. This then creates a new color table in the "bob" bitmaps. I select the new color table in the color table menu. I then select the "Import collection from PICT" command in the "Shape" menu, this brings up the window that allows me to select the collection that I want to use. I click on the collection and click "Ok". Nothing happens, so I select the menu and go to the "Hunter" bitmaps, and then back to the "bob" bitmaps. (Here's where my problem starts). To my surprise all the bob bitmaps (except the new one) are totally ruined! If someone would please tell me how to correctly put new color tables and collections in the "bob" bitmaps, and solve my problem, then I would greatly appreciate it.