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CCN13 - Cody Miller Memorial Write-Up *IMGS&VIDS*
Posted By: NartFOpcDate: 7/21/11 6:09 p.m.

Let me take you on a voyage

Greetings denizens of HBO and welcome to another wonderful Classic Customs Night write-up brought to you by myself and Team Schooly D. Last Saturday we asked "Who would like to get blown up for a few hours?" and those who responded had their wish granted. And now, through the power of technology, we can share some of the magic that occurred that night and make you wish you could have been blown up.

(Editor's note: ate some of my screenshots and now isn't working at all so some pictures have been replaced by artist's renditions. Deal With It.)

Warm-up game: Headhunter on Reflection

Tone of the game: Flaming

While we waited for enough people to form some good-sized teams, we whet our appetites for destruction with some skull-collectin', grenade-throwin' fun. My usual strategy of Disregard Kills, Acquire Skulls worked wonders, and I even managed to cut down hellmitre right before he capped a whopping nine skulls.

With a good starts towards the "make hellmitre mad" campaign for the night I was feeling pretty confident, right up until he manipulated the spawn system to exact some revenge:

What a jerkface

In the end I took home the gold with 22 skulls.

With the warm-up out of the way we split into teams of four to officially kick off the night. As CCN13 was themed RIP Cody Miller I decided we should celebrate his lifelong commitment to the Halo story, specifically that of his favorite game, Halo:Reach. To that end we played on each multiplayer map that appears in the campaign in order.

Game Two: 1-Flag on Swordbase

Tone of the Game: Explodey

Like many 1-Flag games on Swordbase this one came down to goal-line stands on the final ramp in every round. This basically involved each team trying to clog the ramp with dead bodies to impede the enemies' progress until time finally expired.

The grenade spamming and dropshield huddling did leave some time for shenanigans, however. For instance hellmitre attempted some double-extra revenge from the last game by getting the drop on me from behind.

Unfortunately I got wise to his scheme just in time and gave him a little present.

hellmitre mad count: 2

In the second round blue team needed a stop to maintain the lead, and it looked like they just might do it. With all 4 of their members on the capture point and time winding down victory seemed all but certain...until they forgot to shoot me.


In the end Red pulled out the 2-1 win with a successful defensive stop and a very close offensive score.

Game the Third: Territories on Powerhouse

Tone of the Game: Hectic

Despite its mostly negative reception in Halo 2, Territories is still one of my favorite gametypes. Unlike Hemorrhage Territories, which provides a nice linear sequence of territories to attack/defend, Powerhouse is just total chaos. The attacking team seems to spawn everywhere after getting cleared out of a territory, and the defending team never gets a chance to breathe. It takes a ton of teamwork to be victorious on offense or defense, and that's why I love it.

tl;dr- Territories is fun

Anyway, Blue started off on the offensive and quickly captured territory 3 (inside the Powerhouse). For a few minutes after that they tried splitting their forces to multiple territories, but were quickly cleaned up by better-positioned Red team. I managed to go on a hammer spree and killing frenzy during this time, partially due to skillz like this:

Advanced Combat Roll Maneuver

With 30 seconds on the clock the Blue team spawned together at Territory 5 (rock garden) and managed to take it mere seconds before getting wiped out. They immediately respawned at Territory 4 (outside dorm) and pushed the game into Sudden Death. Unfortunately those extra seconds lived up to their name and a single rocket left their final score at 2.

On offense Red copied Blue's successful strategy of capturing Territory 3 first and then made several bids for Territory 2 (below hammer room). After several near caps and numerous grenade explosions we finally scraped out a cap to tie the score 2-2.

We really wanted it

As it turned out that would be the final score as well. Ties are okay, right?

Game Four: 1-Bomb on Spire

Tone of the Game: Power Weapons

Continuing the campaign hit parade we moved on to Spire. 4v4 Invasion didn't sound fun, so I figured we could do some objective. Turns out the regular Spire set-up isn't too great for 4v4 either.

Make our day

Eye in the Sky

Air Superiority

Thus I Refute Thee

The previous screenshot was the closest a bomb came to being armed. Final Score: 0-0

Game Five: Crazy King on Countdown

Tone of the Game: Crazy

Truly the craziest of all gametypes, Crazy King is generally guaranteed fun. From surprise fusion coils to getting beaten down by the entire enemy team, there's always something to laugh about.

I punch Sharkles' head OFF

Red held the first few hills for an early lead that Blue struggled to overcome. Infinite Se7en decided to overcome losing in his own way, by dodging my punches (apparently he wanted to keep his head)

Stand still dammit

Hold your ground

While Blue fought valiantly to control their hills it wouldn't quite be enough. Red wins 125-78.

Game Six: CCN Speedflag on Anchor 9

Tone of the Game: Shotgunny

Although not technically a map from the campaign, I decided it was close enough. Plus I needed a good arena for Shotgun CTF. This HBO and CCN favorite made its usual appearance, and as usual shotguns were taken to the face and flags were taken to the base. This particular variant also includes a bug totally intentional feature where the flag gets returned automatically when the flag carrier dies. This eliminates the ability to steal your teammate's glory by capping his hard-earned flag when he dies bringing it back to base. Either you go big, or the flag goes home.

By using the window along the side of the map Blue team put in a very quick first cap. A simultaneous pull immediately after would also go in Blue's favor, putting them up 2-0.

Long range shotgunning

UnrealChief answered back with a stealthy run across the window, right over two Blue opponents, to make it 2-1. Blue team decided that the window was their territory and pushed back several Red assaults before making their own push and coming away with another flag to put the score at 3-1. With only 5 minutes to go and Blue keeping a few players at base on defense, Red desperately needed a new strategy. As it turned out, that strategy was simple: kill them all and take the flag. In 2 short minutes Red tacked on another 2 flags to even the score.

All tied up

While Blue attempted several desperate pushes on the inside of the map, CrazedOne and The Loot went for back to back spacewalk flag caps and in Sudden Death UnrealChief put the nail in the coffin with a completely unnecessary sixth flag. Blue lets it slip and loses 3-6.

Don't mind the mess

Game Se7en: Slayer Pro on Zealot

Tone of the Game: Nail-biting

Finally reaching the end of Long Night of Solace we put aside objective and put on our slaying hats. The fact that it wasn't Arena Zealot led to quite a few surprise space attacks:

OHAI Antithesis

By keeping a solid group together while a few flanked Red took an early lead and held it, going up by as many as twelve kills at several points in the game.

Kill Team

Tired of my space shenanigans, Infinite Se7en decided to put a stop to it by camping up there. I quickly disabused him of that notion.


Blue Team refused to give up, however, and started to claw their way back as the game neared the end. With only five kills to go the score got evened up at 70-70.

Form Up

With Red team spawning all around the map they were picked off one by one by the rolling Blue deathblob. Red lets it slip and loses 73-75.

Game the Ocho: Oddball on Boardwalk

Tone of the Game: Standard

This game was honestly pretty basic. Red and Blue traded holding the ball in the top area for about 20 seconds at a time. Rockets were fired, snipers were sniped, and balls were played.

Vagueness suggests you visit the Skyway Cafe...OR ELSE

Towards the end Blue Team lost a player due to lag and barely missed out on the victory. It would still be very close, though, and things might have turned out the other way if hellmitre had chosen his targets differently.

10 seconds to wi- OH SHIT!

Red proves to be just slightly better at holding balls and wins 150-133

Game Niner: Territories on Boneyard

Tone of the Game: MAD

"What if we took the wild success of Territories on Powerhouse and combined it with the utter failure of 1-Bomb on Spire?" - NartFOpc

Here's a pictorial summary of the game:

hellmitre mad count: 3

hellmitre mad count: 4

hellmitre mad count: 5

hellmitre mad count: 6

Red wins 3-1 over hellmitre

With both Operation Madmitre and our trip through campaign complete we were just about ready to call it a night. Normally at CCN we do Epic CTF and then end with a goofy Schooly D production Ultimate Test of Skill, but I had work in the morning so we flip-flopped them.

Game Ten: Cannon Fodder on Cannon Fodder

Attendees at CCN13 were treated with a chance to participate in the Early Pre-Alpha build of my new custom minigame, Cannon Fodder. Here's how it works: eated all the screenshots :( I'll post Cannon Fodder in a response to this thread when it is fixed since I don't feel like putting this write-up on hold any longer.

After Cannon Fodder I handed party lead over to hellmitre to run Epic CTF to end the night properly. So here's hellmitre with the write-up for how the game went.




Sorry about that folks, apparently due to some intense lag issues, Epic CTF was canceled early. I'll let our IRC logs tell the tale:

Game 11: Epic CTF

[BoneKin] writeup: BoneKin given party lead. Abuses power and kicks everyone from game
[Antithesis] Mass panic in the streets, rumors of ragequit
[workmitre] addendum: BoneKin booted from TSD and stripped of all rights
[NartFOpc] hlmtre given one simple task, fails

So that's all for this week's Classic Customs Night. If you've made it this far, maybe you'll come a little farther and attend our next CCN, tentatively scheduled for tomorrow maybe. I'm glad I was finally able to complete a write-up despite doing its best to stop me once again. I apologize for the incompleteness and will strive to do better next time. See you then!


Message Index


CCN13 - Cody Miller Memorial Write-Up *IMGS&VIDS*NartFOpc 7/21/11 6:09 p.m.
     Re: CCN13 - Cody Miller Memorial Write-Up *IMGS&VIhellmitre 7/21/11 6:28 p.m.
     Re: CCN13 - Cody Miller Memorial Write-Up *IMGS&VIAvateur 7/21/11 6:47 p.m.
     Cody Miller's Memorial?ZackDark 7/21/11 6:49 p.m.
           Re: Cody Miller's Memorial?NartFOpc 7/21/11 7:05 p.m.
                 Re: Cody Miller's Memorial?nomis78 7/22/11 1:12 a.m.
     Bonus: Cannon Fodder *IMGS+VID*NartFOpc 7/21/11 7:13 p.m.
     Re: CCN13 - Cody Miller Memorial Write-Up *IMGS&VIGeneral Vagueness 7/21/11 11:40 p.m.

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